TSA Term & Condition For Customer - Virtual Shipment

Terms & Conditions for TSA

  • Customer must have BOL (Bill Of Lading) signed by transporter. BOL must be completely filled.
  • Take the Photocopy of driver’s driving licence.
  • Take clear picture of your shipment.
  • Customer require to pay the charges to use TSA. 1.25% + GST to 2% + GST (depending on the type of customer) of the total TSA is to be charge while booking the shipment.
  • The charges to use TSA can be change anytime by Virtual Shipment, without any prior notice.
  • Documentation fees of 5% + GST of total TSA will be charged if TSP found guilty and you access his bank security.
  • Documentation fees can be change anytime by Virtual Shipment, without any prior notice.
  • TSA to be claimed after the pick-up & before delivery.
  • Virtual Shipment audit the loss caused by the TSP (Transporter Service Provider) & if found the losses are deliberately done by the TSP then the desired amount is to be paid from TSP’s Security deposit.
  • Virtual Shipment audit to calculate the total lose done by the transporter’s side and the sum equivalent to the total loses face by the customer will be paid (can be a partial amount of TSA).
  • In case bank refuses to pay the amount, Virtual Shipment will not be liable to pay the Transporter’s Security Amount to the customer.
  • You must have transit insurance to claim TSA. Total insurance amount should not be less than the TSA claimed.
  • Virtual Shipment allow customer to access TSA where the customer cannot access the transit insurance, in case the customer claim the transit insurance than he cannot claim the TSA. (i.e. customer can either claim the Transit Insurance or the TSA)
  • In case of late delivery or delay delivery customer can bargain the Transporter Service Provider while paying the amount and sign a BOL as delivered.
  • In case your TSP avoid your calls or do not provide you with the delivery status, you can complaint to the Virtual Shipment, there after Virtual Shipment will try to contact the TSP and take the desired action that may include placing fine on your TSP.
  • Customer required to claim TSA in following cases –
    • If transporter do not respond for 5 consecutive days after the date of pick up.
    • If transporter do not respond for 5 consecutive days after the date of delivery mentioned in the contract.
    • If transporter service provider refuses to deliver the shipment.
    • If transporter service provider demand for extra amount (after the pickup) to deliver the shipment.
    • If TSP refuses to provide the customer with important documents to be used to claim the transit insurance. (all the documents to be provided within 20 working days of Virtual Shipment request sent to then Transporter Service Provider).
    • If the shipment is not delivered within 5 days of date of delivery date mentioned in the contract, you can place fine or bargain with TSP while making payment.
  • Once the customer signs the BOL as delivered then the customer will not be eligible to claim the TSA.
  • Once the shipment is confirmed as picked up then the customer will not be eligible to claim the TSA.
  • Once the customer claims the TSA, afterwards the customer free the Transporter Service provider from any kind of legal actions.
  • If the customer gets the complete Transporter’s Security Amount, then the Transporter Service Provider are not bound to deliver the shipment.
  • Customers do not have any rights to demand their own T&C for TSA, In such cases Virtual Shipment is not liable for any compensation or any settlement.

How Virtual Shipment process your TSA

Once the customer claims the TSA, Virtual Shipment take up to 15 working days to resolve the issue caused between both the parties to verify the cause. If the TSA claimed found valid then Virtual Shipment initiate the settlement & the amount will be transferred within 15 working days of settlement initiated.