Secure Tracking - Virtual Shipment


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Secure Tracking

Keep an eye on your shipment

Just relax and track your shipment. Don’t worry, no one else can track your exact location, specially if for your part load. Our tracking tool let you follow your valuable shipment where ever it is.


You will get push notification, E-Mail notification, Inbox notification and SMS notification on 3 important stages.

  • Dispatched – You will get the dispatched notification when the carrier has dispatched for pick up from his location, so that you will get ready for loading.
  • Pick Up – When your carrier has picked up your item and about to leave for the destination.
  • Delivered – When your carrier has delivered your consignment safe and sound.

Live Tracking

Ask your transporter to turn on their mobile phone’s location service, which allows you to track their periodic location while they are on route.

Note – confirm the service provider if they have “location sharing” feature available on their phone or not, before you book.
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