Manage your shipment using Virtual Shipment Tools to make it faster, easier and cheaper.
List My ShipmentUse our platform to get best deals, offers, cash back & discounts. Get a chance to get your shipment placed for almost zero cost.
Rejoice if you are a corporate customer. Virtual Shipment provide you discount of up to 26% on every single shipment. Certified corporates get up to 12% discount more than the Non-Certified corporates.
You will get discount of upto 15% on every order plus additional discount on using various Payment methods. Also get discount of up to 50% as seasonal discount.
Get cash back regularly, almost on every order to your virtual wallet & you can use them later in your future shipments.
Booking Charges are waved off for every 5th order, which can give you discounts up to 10,000, With more savings, more power to you...!!